Events- Spring Elves picnic at Liverpool 1 and Geek Retreat- 2021


Iancaimercer's Blog

Events- Spring Elves picnic at Liverpool 1 and Geek Retreat- 2021

There was a slight hint of Normality last Bank Holiday weekend as I went into Liverpool for a Cosplay meet up, something haven’t done in over a year or so.  February 2020 went to Knowsley Comic Con, then everything stopped. The one ‘virtual’ event I’ve been to was the Puppet Podcast party in January.

Anyhoo, sitting on the steps of Lime Street station, I reflected on how it began like that back in July 2015, now six years later it’s like a New beginning, coming out of the dark tunnel of Lockdowns and Covid, just in time for summer.

Not really knowing anyone, apart from Alisha who was one of the organisers made it interesting, but it was good, especially getting to sit in the sun at Liverpool /Chevasse Park, not that I got much in the way of…

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